Friday 12 May 2017

Day 2 - Albergue de Sergude to Pensión O Mesón Novo in Mesón do Vento

Today we think was 17.3 km. A lot of up which was hot and difficult but then a pretty pleasant walk in the woods. Not as much pavement walking today. There was some on some very busy roads so we were very glad to get off the main roads as soon as the trail continued.

A Lavadero, place to do the family wash

A horreó, a traditional Galician place to store corn for the winter, up away from ground rodents. Everyone seems to have one in their yard.

A Spanish forest, eucalyptus planted in rows

The house where Felipe II stayed overnight in 1554 on his way to sail from Á Coruña for England  to marry Mary, sister of Henry VIII to cement ties between Spain and England. It's for sale and Wendy thought it would be a perfect vacation home!  Note royal coats of arms on exterior.

We enjoyed today and even better that we arrived before 3pm so lots of time to relax, have showers and catch up. We are staying in a pension and it's quite nice. Wendy's pack got forgotten by the post office at our last place so it took a couple of phone calls to fix that problem and she got many apologies. She bought a Spanish chip for my old unlocked iPhone. That has given her the option to phone and send texts here. Yesterday she got a phone call from a fellow who works at the post office, phoned from Santiago and asked to interview her about how the post office can help pilgrims as they walk. So she has arranged that for when we finish walking. She will have lots to report which is why she is trying to push the system to see how it works.  The post office here in Spain has taken on the business of transporting pilgrim backpacks, which could be profitable for them. Their trucks are already on the road so seems like a good fit. 

This afternoon we met our first other pilgrim, a fellow staying at the same place as we are, an English man doing his first Camino and decided to start with a short one. We saw a young gal just as we were turning off to this pension. She went to the municipal Albergue at Bruma de Hospital. Wendy did not want to stay there after her overnight there last fall. It is interesting to try different types of accommodation. 

Going to leave you with my food picture for today. Lunch time we were at Casa Avelina. Once again the gal was excited we came in to her place (we actually didn't have much choice). She brought over a ragged book mark to show us another Canadian who had come in to her place. It was Sue Kenney advertising one of her books.

Lunch was a bocodilla of our choice. We chose ham and cheese and this is what we got.

So we both have 1/2 for tomorrow. Huge. The gal kept coming back to see if we liked it.

And so we press on tomorrow. The knees complain at night but we are enjoying the walk. We had some rain today after gorgeous sun this morning. Rain expected again tomorrow but iso far it's been 20 minute squalls and as soon as it stops our stuff all dries out. 

Walking on -
Wendy and Marion

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