Saturday 13 May 2017

Day 3 - Mesón do Vento to Següiero

Great start to our day with a nice breakfast at the bar next door to our Pension. The owner speaks English and was very welcoming. He brought us wonderful freshly squeezed orange juice, the kind you can only get in Spain. And toasdatas with peach jam. I'm not sure what all the guys at the bar are having but I don't think it's orange juice. It's lovely now that they don't allow anyone to smoke in the bars here but they do tend to congregate around the door just outside the bar.

We left the town and walked on following the yellow arrows. Very good signage today, no trouble staying on track. The morning was quite nice, some rain squalls but it was ok. Lots of trail walking, through eucalyptus forests.

We stopped for coffee in the little village of A Rúa. Carried on following our directions and the way markers. When we stopped for our lunch at Bar O Cruceiro we had been walking through some very heavy rain so had to strip our jackets off and try to dry off a bit. We met up with the English guy again who had also got caught in the rain. There was another pilgrim in the bar having lunch and he said he had been there for an hour waiting for it to stop. Just before we left a group of four German gals came in and we had a good chat with them. They had come from Ferrol and two of them are doing their 6th Camino. The other two are on their first. 

The last couple of hours, 8k or so were miserable. It was pouring rain and really windy. Not as warm today as it was yesterday, about 13C. The kind of day when your thoughts are running through all the reasons why you could ever imagine this would be fun! And also realizing you are stuck on a trail in the forest and all you can do is keep walking. The best thought you have is at least we are not in a tent tonight!!

We finally arrived in Sigüeiro, and it took another hour to walk our way into town. When we arrived at our private Albergue we got in but no one home. Took us awhile to locate the woman who then checked us in. She lives 2 blks away. It turned into a bit of a gong show after that. I have never had someone run ahead of me to remove a nice bedspread from the bed and then cover up the chair with a throw cloth so I wouldn't dirty her furniture!!! She grabbed my boots when I took them off and immediately took them outside. The floor was freezing. Finally Wendy managed to get her to turn the heat on but she would only do it in our room and the bathroom and not the rooms in between. Needless to say we were unhappy with this reservation that was advertised as a room for 2 with private bathroom. There is no one else booked into this place but the owner has now been in to check on things at least 14 times.  She came in to mop floor after our showers as it was pretty well flooded!  She just came back at 10pm to instruct us in closing the shades and turning off bathroom light when we go to bed.  

Today we walked 24km which we both realize is about 4 more that we like to do. Tomorrow is 16k into Santiago. Wendy's knee has been quite unhappy today and her feet angry at her. My feet are ok although thoroughly flattened after today. We will see what tomorrow brings. If it rains again as hard as it did today it just might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. 16.5K left to Santiago.

Buen Camino
Wendy and Marion

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